What you will learn, chapter by chapter

Why Is It Important To Invest?
Have you ever wondered why people want to invest their money in the first place? Through practical explanations you will learn what inflation is, how it affects your money and you are going to see some comparisons between saving and investing your money

What You Should Do Before Investing
Many beginners make the mistake of jumping head-first into investing before knowing the basics, gaining the proper perspective, setting some goals and creating a plan. This chapter will teach you about everything you need to know as well as what to do before staring to invest

Time, Risk And Return
Did you know that risk and return go hand-in-hand? Do you want to know how they are correlated and how time also plays a role when it comes to investing? Compare how different time frames of investing can impact your investment plan

Stock Market
Before learning about stocks, it's quite important to know about the stock market, what it is and how it operates. This chapter covers all you need to know about the stock market, types of stock trading markets, stock exchanges, stock indices as well as brokers

Have you ever heard of securities and what they are? Did you know that stocks fall under the category of securities? In this chapter you will get acquainted with what stocks are, how they are created, why they exist and how they are registered and offered for trading on the stock exchanges

Why Do Stock Prices Go Up And Down?
If you are interested in buying or trading stocks then you must surely wonder what comprises their value and why their prices move in a certain direction. Your goal is making money through stock investing and this is the chapter where you are going to learn how to do that. Find out more about how the profits compound over time and some important rules of investing

Reading Stock Charts And Stock Statistics
Along the way of your investing journey, while performing research about some stocks or needing to check its price, you are bound to stumble upon a stock price chart. Apart from learning to read the stock charts, which is an essential skill, you are also going to learn about many other stock indicators as well as analyzing stock data and statistics. Find out more in depth about dividends and dividend yields

Growth And Value Stocks
Stocks have many ways and attributes they are divided by and in this chapter we are going to look at growth and value stocks. Knowing more about the stock types and their common categorizations can open up a new perspective for you while analyzing which stocks to invest in

Stock Splits
Stocks may sometimes reach a level where their price is too high or too low, after which a stock split usually happens. Learn about the different types of stocks, what stock splits are and when they occur. Get acquainted with fractional shares and penny stocks

Stock Analysis Methods
When it comes to making an investment decision, you must be strongly convinced you are making the right one. After all, you are entrusting a company or a business with your money. After reading this chapter you will become familiar with some commonly used stock analysis methods, how to use them, when to use them and how you can combine them

Bull And Bear Market
Did you know that the stock market goes through these so-called market cycles or periods of price trends, which may be longer periods of stock price declines or long periods of stock price increases? Interestingly enough, these cycles have a name - they are called bull and bear markets. Learn why investing can be emotionally challenging during these periods and how you can overcome those challenges

Investment Strategies
You may already have a plan and you may have a goal, however what about a strategy? A strategy needs to be set in place in order to set a structure for your plan, which if executed correctly and consistently, will lead to you accomplishing your goal. There exist various investing strategies, in this chapter you will explore which one is the most suitable for you

Stock Market Events And Timing The Market
Here's one very popular quote among stock market investors - "Time in the market beats timing the market". What do you think it means? Find out in this chapter. Learn about how the stock market can move in sudden and unexpected ways on particular occasions and what is this a consequence of

The Influence Of Social Media On The Investing Community
Whether you are aware and whether you like it or not, social media plays a large role in the investing community due to many people promoting investing on many platforms. You should keep in mind that a considerable part of those people not always have the best intentions in mind. Discover how you can stay more vigilant in this chapter

Buying Stocks
You made it! You learned everything you had to before making your first investment. Now what? Now comes the final step - actually purchasing and trading stocks. Get familiar with how and where you are able to do this